Wednesday, 15 May 2013

rice and beans

                                                                  Rice and Beans.
First we fried unions and peppers in a pot, then we added garlic. Once they were cooked we added some tomato paste, black beans, oregano, cumin, bay leafs, and vinegar. We cooked them together for about five minutes. then we added vegetable stock, salt and pepper, and rice. We let it boil for a bit, then we turned down the heat and let it sit for 20 minutes or so. Once the rice was cooked we took it out of the pot and tried it. It could have used some more beans then it had, I was defiantly expecting more beans, but it was still good besides that.  I am probably going to make it again.

1 comment:

  1. Just use a whole can (2 cups) of black beans!
