Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Amish


The Amish came from the 16th century fellowship known as the Swiss brethren, The Swiss Brethren were Anabaptist, which were a part of the reformation. Anabaptist means "one who baptizes again". In the early 18th century, many Amish and Mennonites moved to Pennsylvania to escape persecution. Today, most of the Amish decedents continue to speak Pennsylvania German, even still today

The Amish are very family oriented, Amish believe that it is a blessing from god to haves a large family. The purposes of family can be shown within the Amish culture in lots of different ways. The family has control over the lower generations throughout their life. Ironically a church district is measured by the number of families, rather than by the number of actual baptized members, that's how important family is to them. Families always like to hold a weekly worship service, but every week it is held by a different family. They say that they are responsible to God for how spiritual their kids are


When an Amish teenager turns 16 they are sent out to experience the "English world".
The teenagers leave their Amish community and go looking to have fun. but when they return they will have to choose whether or not they want to stay in there community or leave it for good
while they are off having fun, many of them end up drinking and doing drugs like Methamphetamine or marijuana and then decide not to go back to their community


The Amish have a very simplistic life style, they don't really encourage wearing  fashionable clothing, or having stylish hair cuts. everything to them is to be plain and simple. The Amish prohibit the use of anything that uses electricity which includes, automobiles, computers, and even cellphones or home phones. The people can still find ways around their rules, if they know someone with a car they will still drive in it, but only because they are not the ones driving.  The Amish typically travel by horse and cart.  They are hard workers and do most things manually because of their opposition to technology.  

The resources I used are the devils playground which is a documentary about Amish people,I watched several episodes of breaking Amish which is a TV documentary about how kids are leaving the Amish community, and I did lots of internet research about the Amish  and I spent some time watching you-tube videos about them, to learn more about them I think it would be a good idea to actually spend a day in an Amish community, and really get to see what they are like.

Devils Playground-77 minutes

Breaking Amish-2 hours

you tube videos-1.5 hours

Online research 1.9 hours


  1. Hi Will,
    Thank you for your report about the Amish people. You seem to have learned a lot, and you answered most of the required questions.
    You didn't include the actual youtube links or the addresses of your internet sites, so I can't evaluate them. You don't tell me why you chose the sites you did, and you don't tell me how this project affected you.
    You earned 23/25

  2. I will try and find the other sources I used.
    There was another documentary I watched on you-tube about these British kids who go and stay with the Amish, but I cant remember what it was called.
