Tuesday, 5 March 2013


This week we made lentils and rice, and lentil soup.
 For the lentil soup, we fried up leeks with unions in butter, then we added water and lentils. we boiled the lentils with thyme and bay leaves until they were soft, then we blended them in a blender. After blending we put the soup back on the stove to heat it up again. It didn't taste very good so we added garlic and chili  powder.
On Thursday we made rice and lentils.
We started frying unions and garlic in a pan, then we added curry powder and water. we put the lentils in the water and let them simmer until the water started to get think and the lentils started to break down. Then we added rice and put a lid on it until the rice finished cooking.
When it was done the lentils had all dissolved into the water and it was just the rice left.
The second lentil dish tasted a lot better then the first one did.
I would defiantly make the second soup again but not the first one.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post Will. I appreciate your careful descriptions.
