1)He led them to the garden.
2) Judas knew Jesus would be in the garden, because Jesus often went there.
3)Jesus knew all things that would come upon him, so he was not surprised when Judas found him.
4)When Jesus said who he was, everyone drew back and fell to the ground.
5) Jesus requested that peter put his sword away.
6) Jesus responded by telling peter to put his sword away, then he healed the man that peter hurt.
7) The officer struck Jesus because he didn't like the way he answered the high priest.
8) Peter told the person who kept the door that he was not one of Jesus disciples.
9)Peter was warming by the fire when someone asked him if he was a disciple of Jesus.
10) The person who recognized peter as being a disciple was related of the one who had his ear cut off, he was a servant as well.
11)If they had gone in they would be defiled.
12)They couldn't kill Jesus unless Pilate said they could.
13) They accused him of being an evildoer.
14)Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that i should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here.
15) Jesus is a king who is not of this world.
16) Pilate didn't really have Jesus killed, but out of pressure he allowed the Jews to kill him.
Pilate was tying to stick up for Jesus, but the Jews just wanted to see Jesus dead.
17) He had Jesus scourged, and they put a crown of thorns on him.
18) The Jews said "we have a law, and according to our law he ought to die, because he made himself the son of god".
19) Pilate did not change his mind about Jesus at that point, but he did become scared.
20) We have no king but Caesar.
21) Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews.
22) Pilate said "what i have written i have written".
23) Pilate said four times that he could find no fault in Jesus.
24) Jesus last words were" it is finished ".
25) Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus.
Thanks for this - 25/25