Wednesday, 19 December 2012

bible search 17

1) Mary saw that the stone that was blocking the entrance to the tomb had been moved
2) Simon was the first one who entered the tomb and believed, john was the one who first arrived at the tomb.
3)The disciples were not prepared, Jesus tried to tell him many times but they ware still surprised.
4) Mary thought that they had taken Jesus body away.
5)Jesus appeared to mary and told her that he was going to ascend to heaven and be with his father.
6) Mary ran and told all of the disciples that she had seen the lord. then Jesus appeared to his disciples and said "peace be with you", then he showed them his hands and his side.
7) Thomas did not believe unless he could touch Jesus hands and put his hand on Jesus side.
8)Remember his works which he has done.
9) Incline your ears to the the words of my mouth.


  1. Thanks, Will. I have entered a 9/9 for this assignment.

  2. Actually - you earned 9/14. You missed the FIVE responses you needed to give for question 9.
