Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Ph scale

William Philip

In science class, we tested the pH of vinegar, bleach, lemon juice, baking soda, soap, oven cleaner, and antacid tablets.  I tested all these substances by dipping a pH strip into each individual chemical to get the results that would allow me to know if they were acidic or basic.

My hypotheses was that the vinegar and lemon juice were both acidic.
 the bleach, antacid, baking soda oven cleaner and soap were all basic

My hypothesis was correct.
The vinegar, and the lemon juice were both acidic. the vinegar was PH 3, the lemon juice was PH 2.
The bleach, antacid, baking soda, oven cleaner, and soap were all basic.
the bleach was pH 12, the antacid was pH 9, the baking soda was PH 9, the oven cleaner was pH 13, the soap was pH 12.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. I'll be entering a 100% when I get to OKAA tomorrow.
