Tuesday, 30 October 2012


                                                          Science and tech review

10) C) The reaction creates new types of atoms.
11) C) Inhibitor
12) D) Soap scum forms.
13) C) Exothermic

17) B) steam Condenses
18) B) reduce the concentration of a reactant
19) B) speeds up the reaction
20) Pickled cucumbers would last longer because they are stored in salt or vinigar which is an inhibitor.
21) The beaker of water would have became warm from absorbing heat from the sun, no chemicle reaction has taken place.

24) If I was in a hurry I would choose ground meat rather then meat chunks, because the ground meat has more surface area then the meat chunks, so it would heat up faster then the meat chunks.

26) The steel wool would weigh more after it has reacted with oxygen  because the molar mass of iron is 55.85, and the molar mass of oxygen is 16.00 if you add them together you would get the molar mass of iron oxide which would weigh more then just iron.

page 90
7) D) vinegar
8) C) non-polar
9) A) polar
10) C) the solution
11) C) temperature
13) B) solute
14) C) a strong acid
15) C) less then &7
16)  D) it is neutralized

page 91
20) cresol red, thymol blue
21) H+ is acidic and OH is basic
22) Liquid-gas solutions: When a gas dissolves in a liquid. example)
      Liquid-solid solutions: Is when a soluble solid dissolves in a liquid.
      liquid liquid solutions: When a liquid dissolves in another liquid.
24)When the pop is warm the carbon dioxide becomes less soluble, so it will fizz out faster.
      When the pop is cold the carbon dioxide becomes more soluble, it wont fizz as fast as it would if it was
page 120
8) C) Hydroxyl
9)C) CH3OH
10)A) Cholesterol
11)B)Saturated Hydrocarbon
14)B)Amino acids
page 121
17) Benzene has one hydrogen atom per carbon atom and all the carbon atoms have double bonds with each other.
cyclohexane has two hydrogen atoms per carbon atoms and the carbon atoms all have single bonds with each other.
21) If they eat lots of carbohydrates they will have more enetgy the next day.
25) this is the amino acid i found.


The first mashup is a mix between Star Wars and the song "call me maybe".
It mixes up diffident lines from Star Wars to sound like the song call me maybe.
I don't think this would be copyright infringement because the people who made this video are not making any money off it, and they are not taking credit away from the artist who wrote this song or the person who made the movie.

The second one is called "Dr monkey the dentist". It is a mashup of random animals with voices put in the background to make it look like the animals are talking. I don't think it is copyright infringement because they give credit to the BBC.

Here are the two mash-ups that I have selected.
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBM7i84BThE


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Vitamin C test

What we did is test oranges for vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
How it works, vitamin C eats starch, and sodium iodide is an indicator for starch.
So we made a solution of starch water and an iodide solution. We put a small amount of starch water in a test tube, and a small amount of iodide. When added the iodide will turn a very dark blue
Then we put some orange juice in the test tube, if the orange has vitamin C in it, the mixture of iodide and starch will go from dark blue to a clear pink.
Solution if sodium iodide.
Solution if potato starch.
Multiple Test tubes.
We tested onions, tomatos, apples, oranges, a random juce, milk, and bread.

The tomato had vitamin C

The apple did not have vitamin C

The orange had vitamin C

The bread did not have any vitamin C

The milk did not have any vitamin C

The onion did have vitamin C

The random juce did not have any vitamin C

There were more that had no vitamin C then did

Monday, 15 October 2012


A man named nicodemus came to Jesus in the night and said, "rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. No one else could perform these signs you are doing.
Jesus told him that no one can see the kingdom without being born again.
But nicodemus said, " how can we be born again when we are old"
Jesus reply "very truly i tell you, no one can enter the kingdom without being born of the water and the spirit"
You should not be surprised at my saying, you must be born again.
The wind blows wherever it wants to. You hear its sound, but can't tell where it comes from or where its going. So it is with everyone born in the spirit.
How can this be? asks Nicodemus

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Conservation of mass

Today we looked at the conservation of mass.
We put a bit if steel wool in a test tube and filled it about 1/8 of the way full, and I also added about 10ml of a solution of impure potassium chlorate.
Next I filled a balloon with air and placed it over the test tube.

Why? the reason for this is to find out if the steel wool will loose or gain mass after it oxydises.

After a few weeks sitting in the test tube I looked at it and saw that it was rusty.
 before I started this experiment it weighed 23 grams, now it weighed 24 grams. so this proves that this theory is correct in that iron will gain mass when combined with oxygen.

the molar mass if iron is 58.84g\mol
the molar mass of oxygen is 16.00g\mol

So the molar mass of iron oxide is 159.68

Ph scale

William Philip

In science class, we tested the pH of vinegar, bleach, lemon juice, baking soda, soap, oven cleaner, and antacid tablets.  I tested all these substances by dipping a pH strip into each individual chemical to get the results that would allow me to know if they were acidic or basic.

My hypotheses was that the vinegar and lemon juice were both acidic.
 the bleach, antacid, baking soda oven cleaner and soap were all basic

My hypothesis was correct.
The vinegar, and the lemon juice were both acidic. the vinegar was PH 3, the lemon juice was PH 2.
The bleach, antacid, baking soda, oven cleaner, and soap were all basic.
the bleach was pH 12, the antacid was pH 9, the baking soda was PH 9, the oven cleaner was pH 13, the soap was pH 12.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


In science and tech we experimented with Catalace.
We filled several test tubes with hydrogen peroxide, and put small pieces of liver and potato in it.
My Hypothesis: when we put the liver or the potato in the test tube of hydrogen peroxide it will decompose, it would be an exothermic decomposition reaction.
The amount of foam produced depends on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and the amount of Catalace in the liver.

When we put the liver in the test tube it instantly started to foam and produce heat.
When we put potato in the test tube it didn't foam very much, and didn't produce a very noticeable amount of heat.
Next thing we did is we put the test tubes in boiling water  to heat up the hydrogen peroxide, when i put the liver in the test tube it made a lot more foam then when not heated. when I put the potato in the test tube of hot hydrogen peroxide it didn't foam as much as it did in the cold hydrogen peroxide did.

What I also did is test blood from dog meat for Catalace, when i mixed the blood with the hydrogen peroxide there was an explosion of foam much bigger then there reaction to the liver.
 So I would say that blood has a much lager concentration of Catalace in it then liver or potatoes do.