Friday, 16 August 2013


I went to work with my dad at a complex called sheerwater to fix the irrigation, while I was there I was looking at the rocky landscape around the houses. The complex was put in the side of a mountain and a lot of rock needed to be blasted out. In some places we were probably 10 meters under ground in some places. I decided to check out the cliff face which ran along one side of the complex. The cliff face was very crumbly and weak. I found bits of rock that looked like impure calcite crystals because they had a slight square shape to them. So I kept on looking until I found some very pure calcite crystals and some clusters of thin sheet like crystals that looked almost like Muscovite. I collected some samples of the calcite to test later. I put a few drops of HCl on the calcite and it bubbled up confirming that it was calcite that I found